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If you live on campus, please upload the housing return to campus form and submit a negative test result before ending isolation.
CSUDH offers a COVID-19 reporting form that can be filled out and submitted online. If you still have questions after you file the reporting form, you can submit a follow-up question form online.
This page contains information about CSUDH COVID-19 reporting, health and safety protocols, and legislation regarding employer responsibilities.
For information about the number of reported COVID-19 cases on campus, visit the COVID-19 Dashboard.
The COVID-19 Response Team has established a protocol for responding to positive and prospective cases on campus; this process is in partnership with several offices and departments. These guides are designed to educate the campus community on the steps involved in this process to ensure that accurate, timely, and transparent information is relayed to the campus community. As new public health guidance is released, these guides are subject to change at any time.
The following flowchart shows what steps the COVID-19 Response Team will take after someone calls the COVID-19 reporting hotline or submits the online reporting form. The team has protocols for the person reporting (Case), including finding out whether the Case has had any close contact with others. Protocols for close contacts of the Case are shown under Contact.
First, a person infected with COVID-19 fills out the online form. If the employee/student is a positive case:
If a close contact of a positive case is vaccinated and not showing symptoms, they can return to campus.
If a close contact of a positive case if vaccinated and showing symptoms:
If a close contact of a positive case is unvaccinated:
Yes. COVID-19 test results are medical records, so your identity cannot be disclosed without your permission.
Please see the flowchart on this page for step by step process when completing the online reporting form.
When completing the form, you will need your name, contact info, COVID-19 status, last on campus, buildings you entered, demographics and email address.
A close contact is someone who shares the same indoor airspace with a COVID-19 case for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period during the COVID-19 case’s infectious period. A close contact is also considered a person who had unprotected contact with the body fluids and/or secretions of a positive case.
COVID-19 symptoms include: cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain/body ache, sore throat and loss of taste or smell. The full list of symptoms is on the CDC website. If you experience one or more of these, contact your medical provider right away.
Please visit the Toro's Together webpage for all campus resources.
No, anyone with symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19 must remain off campus until they are compliant with CDC guidelines for ending isolation.
Yes, CSUDH has an obligation to provide a safe working environment for its students, faculty and staff, which includes requiring those affected to not come onto campus.
If an employee refuses sick leave, the manager/supervisor should contact Human Resources as soon as possible.
An investigation will be conducted each time the campus is notified of a COVID positive employee or student. According to the CDC, a positive case's infectious period begins at symptom onset and continues for 10 days thereafter.
Per the CDC, isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were or may have been exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
Isolation last between 6-10 days and positive cases who are no symptomatic can begin testing out on day 6, a proof of a negative test is required to end isolation before day 10. For close contacts who are not showing symptoms, they should wear a mask for 10 days and remove themselves from campus if symptoms appear. See flowchart above for detailed instructions.”
No matches were found.
All high touch points in the affected areas within the identified building(s) have been cleaned and disinfected with an EPA approved disinfect to kill SARS-COV-2, unless campus was not notified until infection period has passed per CDC cleaning and disinfecting guidelines, then normal cleaning procedures apply.
IF you were notified by either a positive case or via the university COVID-19 response team that you are a close contact, please follow the flowchart above. A close contact is someone who shares the same indoor airspace with a COVID-19 case for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period during the COVID-19 case’s infectious period.
For assistance with general benefits or leave questions around COVID-19, please contact Human Resources at 310-243-3771 or
For general health & safety questions regarding COVID-19 contact”
The State of California has recently passed AB 2693 that requires specific actions from employers involving communication to employees and processing of injury claims related to COVID-19, for Frequently Asked Questions, please see below.
1. What changes will I see?
On-campus employees who receive COVID-19 positive diagnosis will also receive comprehensive information on benefits available to them.
CSUDH will provide an electronic portal stating the dates on which an employee or subcontractor with a confirmed case of COVID-19 was on the premises and the location of the exposure, including the floor, building, or another area.
On-campus employees who receive COVID-19 positive diagnosis will also receive comprehensive information on benefits available to them.
2. Will a campus notification be uploaded to the portal for every positive case?
No. The regulation only requires that the campus notice all employees and subcontractor employees who were in the same building as the COVID-19 positive case within the infectious period of the positive case.
3. What is the infectious period of a COVID-19 positive case?
The CDC defines the infectious period as “the period between 2 days prior to the onset of symptoms and 10 days after the onset of symptoms.”
4. Will the identity of a positive case be published to the campus?
No. Federal privacy laws prohibit unauthorized sharing of the medical information of any employee or student, including COVID-19 positive diagnosis. Other identifying information such as office number is also prohibited and will not be shared.
5. Who is on the team that completes the exposure investigation?
Exposure investigation is done by the COVID Response Team which is comprised of the following areas: Environmental Health & Safety, Student Health Center, Human Resources and University Police.
6. What benefits are available to me if I receive an on-campus positive diagnosis for COVID-19?
Human Resources will provide comprehensive benefit information on a case-by-case basis to any affected employee.
7. Will my union representative be notified of my on-campus positive COVID-19 diagnosis?
Yes, this is a requirement of Assembly Bill 2693. Medical information is only shared in compliance with federal privacy laws.
8. What should I do if I was in the same building as someone that tests positive for COVID-19?
Unless contacted directly by the positive case, there is nothing specific that you should do. If you feel that you were exposed, you can wear a mask for 10 days. If you become symptomatic, remove yourself from campus and if you test positive, complete the online reporting form.
9. Where can I find Benefits information on the campus website?
The HR COVID-19 page contains information on benefits available to faculty and staff. Contact information for Human Resources if there are any questions on the provided information, is provided on the page.